Google Launches Final Developer Preview of Android O

Google Launches Final Developer Preview of Android O: Google's new operating system, Android O, has to be launched on September 22. Prior to this, the company has released its final developer preview. According to the news, Android O is very similar to Google's first Android Nougat. Only a few changes have been made in the new OS. It is being said that Google wants to give developers the last chance to check its functioning before its official launch. Android O's final developer preview has been released for Google users of pixels, pixels C, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P and Nexus Player.
Google Launches Final Developer Preview of Android O

This new version of Android for users and developers has given many features including improved notification support, picture-in-picture support, auto fill. There is also a feature to optimize phone battery. Integrated apps have been opened to users on the Google Play Store from the API or application user interface.

Google Launches Final Developer Preview of Android O

Android O Spotlight Features :

Google Launches Final Developer Preview of Android O

Users of the Android O Final Developer Preview will be able to hide notifications. However, in this - there will be some notifications which can not be hydrated. If an app is active in your phone's background, you will not be able to hide its notifications. You can manually turn them off. For example: If you are working on Facebook Messenger, you will not be able to hide its notifications. Also, if Whatsapp is active in the background, its notifications will not be able to be hyped.

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Android O FEATURES :

It can control the background app and provide better battery life, features such as notification channels and adaptive icons. Additionally, Android O will be given AutoFill apps, native picture-in-picture mode, wide-gamut color for apps, high-resolution audio, better keyboard navigation and much faster Android Runtime.

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Named Smart Text Selection Feature :

Apart from this, according to the information given by Google, there is also a new feature which has been given the name of Smart Text Selection. We have already told you about this. This new feature improves copy and pastes through machine learning. Double tap into it to copy the whole text. Notification is a new way for dot developer so that they can notify users about activity on the app.

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